Thursday 20 December 2012

hello there world

Hi there! My name is Alice Charlotte, but most people just call me Ally. Or Alice, Charlotte, Ally Charlotte and Lottie. Yes, I’ve been called all those and I really don’t mind what you name me, as long as it is nice, not tacky and something to do with my name. I have one of those names you can play around with. Well anyway, a name is just a name so how about I move off that topic. I started a blog for, well, I’m not really sure. A place to ramble on, I guess. I may talk about fashion, photography and life in general. I love photography, except my best camera is, uh, sort of broken. Fingers crossed Canon can fix it! I have another one, but haven’t taken any shots for a while so I will have to get back into it.
Today is the end of the world apparently, but I am not in the least phased by it. But if it does end, this blog would have a very short life, haha. I also wonder what it would be like, dying. If it will hurt, if I will remember it, if I should fear it and what happens next. But I guess it is truly an impossible question to answer, and a question that should not be answered.
If I was asked to describe myself in three words I would actually find it difficult. I’m not positive who I actually am yet, and trying to figure myself out. I’m young and reckless sometimes, I have done things I’m not proud of and make mistakes, but I guess that’s all a big part of growing up. I am a passionate writer however, and have begun a novel recently. I have probably started thirty books that I have never finished, but I have an unusual, strong feeling about the one I am writing now and a strange attachment to the main character, but I guess to truly believe in their story, all authors become attached to their characters, as if they were their made up family.
I sincerely hope you enjoy my blog, and I hope for myself I will enjoy this experience.
Love Ally xo

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